Teaching with Kindness
Learning with Love

Mandala Montessori is a Preschool in the Heart of The Minneapolis Northrop and Minnehaha Neighborhoods.

Your South Minneapolis Montessori Preschool

For over a decade, Mandala Montessori has provided thousands of families with high-quality Montessori-based, classical education, optional Spanish language introduction and affordable preschool care.

From the moment you are greeted with “good morning” or “buenos dias” until the moment you say “goodbye” or “adios,” you will see and experience the Mandala difference!

Why Mandala Montessori?

    • An independent Montessori preschool with multi-age classrooms.

    • Optional Spanish Language Introduction elective

    • Student independence and autonomy

    • Respect, community and Courtesy

    • We are open year-round with two convenient locations in the twin cities!

    • Three classrooms serving ages 3-5

    • Affordability and extended days for working parents

    • Small class sizes!

    • Well-rounded education

    • Summer program

    • Enrichment activities and much more!
